Choose Conference is for you if…
You can’t remember the last time you laughed until you cried! √
You need a serious shot of spiritual adrenaline. √
You’re craving God’s presence and power in a more intimate way. √
You long to step into your God-given destiny and purpose. √
You feel stuck or powerless in your current circumstances. √
You need some girlfriend time to unwind, laugh, and be radically refreshed. √
You are a world-changer, and you need encouragement, empowerment, and spiritual equipment to keep going and growing! √
You desire to be a part of an event and community that literally changes the trajectory of your life. √
What is a Choose Conference?
It’s a 1-day, 3-hour, Jesus-centered event just for women.
We also have a 2-day retreat option.
“The Choose Conference was a great experience! Thank you for shining so brightly! May we all work hard to stay ABOVE the line.”
-Conference Attendee, Iowa
“These ladies are filled with the Holy Spirit and they have a heart to help other women grow in faith.“
-Iris, Conference Attendee