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Changing Bags

Writer's picture: Jill MillerJill Miller

Spring always meant my Grandma was going to change her bag to the shiny white one. Black was for winter, white was for spring and summer. It was a sure sign that summer was on its way!

That’s a fun, simple kind of change. But most of us don’t wake up and say, “Boy, I hope everything in my world changes today.”

And we really don’t enjoy those drastic changes we don’t see coming, especially the kind we don’t want or ask for. But sometimes change is necessary in order to be obedient to what God is asking of us.


My divorce was something I didn’t see coming, and it caused chaos and change in every way imaginable. It was way more traumatic than changing to my cute little spring purse.


Change was everywhere as I navigated through changing my address, changing my lifestyle as I became a single mom, then changing again to become a wife to my new husband and a step-mom. But as I started settling into my new normal, God started revealing another area of my life that needed an update.


This change involved my vocation. I was the Director of Development for the Humane Society, which fit me perfectly. Until it didn’t! God knew something I didn’t see: My old bag was tattered, outdated, and worn out.


I knew somewhere deep in my spirit that God was leading me to a big, scary, audacious change. He was asking me to be obedient to His calling to music and ministry full-time. I didn’t have a neatly outlined vision; I really had no idea what I was getting into. I was simply being asked to put on this new bag and fill it up as I went.


It’s a good thing I’m an adrenaline junkie!


This new bag was completely empty when I placed it over my shoulder, and I felt like last year’s closeout model. I was too old, not talented enough, all the things. But in spite of all that, I put the bag on and went for it. Oh, I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way and it’s been way harder than any job I’ve ever done; but I love how God continues to fill my bag with beautiful gifts of encouragement and blessings simply because I’ve been obedient. I’m discovering that this bag fits me perfectly because it is what God’s purpose has always been for my life.


I am studying the book of Joshua right now, and I love reading how God rewarded Joshua for his obedience. When he listened to God and followed his commands, he won the battles he faced.


“But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Joshua 22:5 (NIV)


Being obedient to God’s call in our lives, even when it requires major changes, will always give us a reward. It may be scary, we may feel totally unprepared, and we may not be rewarded financially or in ways that we can see, feel and touch; but I guarantee that our hearts and souls will feel the blessings and the joy that come from being obedient to God.


I can tell you firsthand, there's no feeling like it in the world!


What about you, my friend? Is it time for you to change your bag? Is the one you’re carrying right now getting tired and worn out? Does it need to be changed with the season you’re in?


If you sense an area of your life that God is calling you to make some changes, I invite you to seriously consider and listen to that prompting. Spend time in His Word and in quiet prayer for confirmation. He doesn’t always speak in loud, audacious ways, but more than likely will speak in the whispers.


And if you hear that voice, put on that new bag and wear it with confidence! Your obedience will be rewarded in ways you can’t begin to ask, dream or imagine!


I’m certain of it!


Hugs and love,





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